City Maps of Entropia - Stadtpläne von Entropia
(including a special map of Saransk)
Alle Pläne und Koordinaten von Entropia sind nach der Einführung der Version 10.0 ungültig.
Pläne der neuen Städte werden nach und nach erstellt.

All maps of Entropia and coordinates are not valid anymore after the introduction of VU 10.0.
Maps of the new cities will be made by and by.

2006 / 2007 by Norbert Hagemann / "Norbert Falco Gregory"

Links: HoF / Mobs / Other Entropia Pages

Please click on the pictures to zoom / Bitte zum Vergrößern auf die Bilder klicken

Eudoria VU10

Eudoria / Amethera / Others

14400 16188
Aegis Mound
12388 15846
Atlas Haven
12583 17214
Atlas Island North
10535 14935
Atlas Island South
8152 10543
Billy's Spaceship
24015 23520
Camp Caravan
17950 19640
Camp Echidna
9791 10584
Camp Phoenix
3330 21020
Cape Corinth
15595 16325
Chimera Canyons
13812 9114
East Scylla Mountains
14478 14399
Fort Ares
15195 23530
Fort Argus
11080 13230
Fort Fury
9130 22370
Fort Ithaca
12634 13602
Fort Medusa
19650 15380
Fort Pandora
13354 3962
Fort Troy
22467 27705
Fort Zeus
7126 17093
Hadesheim C
8080 17347
Hadesheim East City
7670 15970
Hadesheim Outpost
6910 16468
Hadesheim South City
14454 10865
Jason Centre
12107 12070
Limnadian District
25489 17486
24494 28911
North Space Base
24901 12416
6380 12145
Orthos West Mound
6055 8442
Port Atlantis
5859 8374
Port Atlantis Mall
10485 15933
Tethys Creek
17033 8092
Twin Peaks
16814 8372
Twin Peaks Mall
10851 9676
Zychion Citadel
Locations without Teleport
10450 15200
Atlas Haven West Estates
24350 28200
Blue Zone East Hangars
9060 9000
Chug's Hideout
5280 20130
Corinth Beach Estates
5220 19420
Corinth Hangars
3900 19360
Corinth West Hangars
6175 9780
Nus Lull Outpost
5620 9160
P.Atlantis Swamp Camp

10858 3037
Akmuul Island
14861 18928
Billton Towers
14225 24876
Emerald Lakes
14220 25115
Emerald Lakes Mall
16942 19927
Genesis Amethera Headquarters
7154 7553
Memorial Island
4538 3369
Myrene Island
19899 8599
Nate Valley
12985 10599
Nea's Place
15600 19300
New Oxford
12100 39500
New Switzerland
10328 10682
Omegaton West Habitat
7000 39000
Oshiri Hearts
4024 9267
Oyster Isle
16826 11226
Palms Corner
20304 4605
Rei's Defence
23227 5650
Sakura City
2384 19011
Segna Forest
11505 26040
Shinnok Jungle
4930 29300
Solfais Crater
20680 24846
Treasure Island Castle
18516 21859
Treasure Island City
22974 26511
Treasure Island Northern Shores 
21104 17122
Wolverine Hope
 Locations without Teleport
6110 2520
Willunsong North
8650 4430
Willunsong West


Locations in Space
Crystal Palace / CND (will follow) /

 / Layout of Apartments / Layout of Malls / Layout of Condominium Shops /

Special Map
 / Saransk (Afterworld) /



Camp Echidna
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

Treasure Island Castle (North)
Treasure Island Castle (South)
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

Zychion Citadel
Zychion Citadel (Central Building)
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

Atlas Haven
Cape Corinth
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

West Corinth Hangars
Corinth Hangars
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

Corinth Beach
TI Northern Shores
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

Fort Troy
Chug's Hideout
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

Fort Fury
Jason Centre

Twin Peaks
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

Fort Argus
Fort Ithaca
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

Fort Medusa
Billy's Spaceship
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

Camp Caravan
Atlas Island South

Fort Zeus
North Space Base 

Fort Ares
Palms Corner

Port Atlantis 
Port Atlantis (Swamp Camp + Nus Lull Outpost)
Port Atlantis.jpg (174887 Bytes)

New Oxford
New Switzerland
New Oxford.jpg (65536 Bytes)
New Oxford.jpg (65536 Bytes)

Willunsong North
 Willunsong West
New Oxford.jpg (65536 Bytes)
New Oxford.jpg (65536 Bytes)

Omegaton West
Sakura City
Omegatron West.jpg (77824 Bytes)

Layout of Apartments / Grundriss der App.
Layout of Shops in Condominium Buildings

Layout of Malls / Grundriss der EKZ


Hadesheim (overview)
NW Parts
NE Parts
SW Parts
SE Parts

Genesis Amethera HQ
Treasure Island City
Omegatron West.jpg (77824 Bytes)

Crystal Palace
Omegatron West.jpg (77824 Bytes)

Saransk (of the  Game "Afterworld")
Legende.jpg (8216 Bytes)